What’s Current: Dutch man convicted of sexually extorting Canadian teenager Amanda Todd

  • A Dutch man accused of abusing and extorting a Canadian teen, Amanda Todd,to the point of suicide is found guilty of multiple charges, including child pornography and harassment. The 15-year-old took her own life in 2012 weeks after uploading a viral video detailing how the man “tormented” her and leaked explicit pictures. Aydin Coban had been convicted for similar charges in Amsterdam. In April 2017, he was jailed for nearly 11 years for the online abuse and for blackmailing 34 girls under the age of 18.
  • Women standing up for sex-based rights are harassed and intimidated by trans activists five minutes into a Speaker’s Corner free speech event held at Philadelphia’s Independence Park on Sunday.
  • Economist Rufina Peter is elected as Papua New Guinea’s first female member of parliament in a decade, making her the country’s eighth woman voted into office.
  • Women’s aid networks report an influx of women in Poland seeking abortion access in neighboring Germany following Poland’s near-total ban on abortion. An increasing number of these women are Ukrainian refugees forced to relocate following the full-scale Russian invasion.
Meghan McCarty

Meghan McCarty is an undergraduate student and aspiring journalist living in the United States.