What’s Current: Birth coach forced out of Doula UK for saying only women give birth

  • A UK birth coach, Lynsey McCarthy Calvert, has been forced out of her role with Doula UK for saying that “women birth all the people.” On Facebook, Calvert said:

“I am not a ‘cervix owner’ I am not a ‘menstruator’ I am not a ‘feeling.’ I am not defined by wearing a dress and lipstick. I am a woman: an adult human female… Women birth all the people, make up half the population, but less than a third of the seats in the House of Commons are occupied by us.”

  • In Mexico, the relatives of missing and murdered women marched in a “Dia de Muertas” (or “Day of Dead Women”) memorial to remember the nine women who murdered every day in the country.
  • Singapore’s parliament passed a new law cracking down on “pop-up” brothels in private residences, requiring property owners to conduct checks on prospective tenants to prevent use for improper purposes.
  • Women’s rights campaigners in Spain seek to change rape laws after five men were acquitted of raping a 14-year-old girl because she was so inebriated that the court ruled they hadn’t used force.
Natasha Chart

Natasha Chart is an online organizer and feminist living in the United States. She does not recant her heresy.