We simultaneously tell young women they can be empowered through superficial choices and that they are perpetual victims. Neither is true.

We simultaneously tell young women they can be empowered through superficial choices and that they are perpetual victims. Neither is true.
How can liberal feminism celebrate the end of grid girls while continuing to argue in favour of “sex work” as an empowering choice for women?
Amber Rose’s “challenge” is a scam. Don’t fall for it.
Actor Ben Yahr is on a mission: He wants white male bodies to be valued in our society just as much as the pregnant bodies of women of colour. So he decided…
These days, we hear an awful lot about “empowerment.” In an image-based culture, explicitly connected to social media, this has meant that young women’s understanding of ideas like “empowerment” and “positive body…
Last year for Christmas, I got a makeup set (the standard fare: red lipstick, blush, and eyeliner) from a well-meaning family member. The slogan was, in big, red letters: “Empower yourself.” I…
I recently decided to start using my Twitter account. Many of my friends and acquaintances found this puzzling given that a) I don’t otherwise have any masochistic tendencies and b) I’ve always…
I feel quite certain that the reasons feminists oppose prostitution and pornography are clear. We have gone over the arguments many times and left little room for confusion. In short, the sex…
We all know vaginas are gross things that are bad and wrong and also smell and and taste and look gross, but did you also know that vaginas aren’t fruity enough? FACT.…
Guys. Guys. Take a deep breath. Sit down. Pour yourself a strong drink. Annie Lennox said something marginally critical about Beyoncé and then said the word “twerking.” *Internet implodes* In an interview with…
It’s no secret that I’m not a huge fan of burlesque. I think it’s a boring, overplayed example of what you might call neosexism or retro sexism — meaning that the “vintage”…
Generally when questioned about how sexism could POSSIBLY EXIST in this MODERN DAY AND AGE when ladies are allowed to wear PANTS and have abortions (MAYBE IF YOU’RE LUCKY) and HAVE SEX…
I don’t know whether to laugh, cry, cheer, or drink a bottle of wine and have a very long nap, but this recent post on Ms. Magazine’s blog about Slutwalk LA almost…
HAY LADIES! Turning thirty? Time to crawl into a hole and die. That is, of course, unless you have a man, a sexy bra, and tons of cash. That’s right! Ever helpful,…
It’s hard not to heave a big ol’ feminist sigh on International Women’s Day. But, in many ways, I think that’s just fine. International Women’s Day isn’t intended to be a celebration,…