Tag: Jess Martin

What’s Current: New Zealand is making trolling illegal

New Zealand passes Harmful Digital Communications Bill, a “cyberbullying” law that specifically targets forms of hate speech like racism, sexism, homophobia, and ableism. High profile transwoman, Caitlyn Jenner, to write a weekly…

#FTF: Catharine MacKinnon on what makes a white woman

What makes a white woman? Oh, you mean other than listening to Bon Iver on vinyl, exhibiting a zombie-style attraction to Whole Foods even when the bank account is in the red,…

What’s Current: Sex dolls that talk back in all the most sexist ways

Victoria Brownsworth asks why murdered lesbians don’t make the news. Civil Sociology highlights the staggering hiring and retention gap between male and female Wikipedia editors. Cognitive Psychologists and Neuroscientists weigh in on Rachel…

What’s Current: Northern Ireland criminalizes the purchase of sex

Northern Ireland makes buying sex a criminal offence as of June 1st. Pro-prostitution campaigners are relentless in the abuse they hurl at Nordic Model advocates, says prostitution survivor Rachel Moran. Former Superintendent…

Losing an argument with a feminist? Here's your bingo card!

Losing an argument with a feminist? We’ve got you covered. It’s all here: “Die in a fire,” misquoting Andrea Dworkin, something-something “phobe,” “pearl-clutcher,” and so-forth. Did we miss anything? Let us know…