Aziz Ansari isn’t an evil man — he is a completely normal man.

Hello and welcome to Your Progressive Future, where leftist media lectures women on how best to suffer through painful and unnecessary sex acts because causing women pain makes their dicks hard. Last…
People of all political stripes are going nuts over audio revealing Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump bragging about sexual assault. While Trump defensively claimed his words were nothing more than “locker room…
New mother? Feeling stressed or challenged due to the fact that you grew then expelled a human being out of your body and now have to take care of it day and…
When news of Anthony Weiner’s “sexting” (as the media prefers to call it) habit first came out a few years ago, most people were, let’s be honest, thrilled. The American public loves…
“Are you going to save my brother?” Early on when I was dating my ex, his brother asked me this question. At the time, I think I probably thought it was sweet.…
After being sexually harassed endlessly for weeks, Mel Watts, who runs the blog, The Modern Mumma, succumbed to her husband’s pressure and engaged in what she calls “a quickie.” That is to…
I’ve had more than my fair share of unsolicited comments from fellow cyclists over the years, and they have one thing in common: They all come from men. In 2014, I was…
The full decriminalization of prostitution has received considerable mainstream media attention of late: On May 5, the New York Times published an article by Emily Bazelon called, “Should Prostitution be a Crime?”…
Rob Ford is dead. The former Toronto mayor died of cancer this morning, at 46-years-old. According to news reports and social media, we are in mourning, as always, expected to politely and…
On Thursday, leader of the Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn revealed his position on prostitution to Goldsmiths university students, saying: “I don’t want people to be criminalized. I want to be [in] a…
She cheated, y’all. Before you start making any judgment calls, let’s take a moment to remember that she cheated! That seems to be the reaction of many people to the video of…
Japanese porn company, Trottla, is producing lifelike female child sex dolls, claiming that they will “save children from sexual abuse.” The argument behind these dolls is that men will use them instead…
Creator of the Dilbert comic strip and self-appointed Expert On Things Like Gender Inequality And Dates, Scott Adams, has yet another valuable opinion on Systems of Power That Have Existed For Centuries…