Tag: porn

Porn won’t save the whales

Another day, another billion-dollar porn company asking people to jerk off in order to “save an endangered species.” Not only does Pornhub profit from the sexualization of domestic violence, rape, and sexual…

No, ‘child sex dolls’ won’t keep pedophiles from offending

Japanese porn company, Trottla, is producing lifelike female child sex dolls, claiming that they will “save children from sexual abuse.” The argument behind these dolls is that men will use them instead…

Will treating porn like a drug addiction help?

Last week CTV’s W5 aired a two-part series on internet porn. Part one focused on the way in which ever-younger children were becoming consumed with violent pornography, causing them to become “addicted”…

So what if your porn is feminist?

At a suburban office in Canberra, Susan* looks solemnly toward the carpet and blinks back the tears. Her marriage counselor watches on from a few feet away. Susan first explains, and then…

‘Hot Girls Wanted’… For a month or two

Rashida Jones’ documentary, Hot Girls Wanted (now available on Netflix), explores the world of “amateur porn,” a booming industry thanks to a never ending influx young women, ready and willing, no coercion…