Tag: Rape

An open letter to Dr. Camille Cosby

Dear Camille Cosby, It is very believable that the man you hear about in the news with over 20 victims coming forward telling their stories of having been drugged, sexually harassed and…

Why are we supposed to believe Shia LaBeouf?

I don’t have any particular opinion on Shia LaBeouf. I don’t particularly like him or dislike him. I really haven’t given him much thought. Based on a quick internet search, he seems,…

The victims of anti-rape campaigns: Men on sexodus

Between the pulling of Grand Theft Auto V from Target Australia and the increasing number of women who want to be treated like humans, men are under attack like never before. A…

Anti-rape messaging offends Whistler bros

  The Howe Sound Women’s Centre (HSWC) approached a number of Whistler bars earlier this year with the “Don’t Be That Guy” anti-rape campaign. The plan was to produce “posters depicting strong…

I want 140 characters which will end rape

So men, what do you want to hear? Not all men are like that? You’re not like those other men? Let’s say I tell you men that you are wonderful, kind, heroic…

Woody Allen and the persistent myths of rape culture

By now the outline detailing the facts of the terrible story that Dylan Farrow tells of her sexual assault as a child by her father Woody Allen are well known. After he was honoured…

Why defend Woody Allen?

Dylan Farrow, Mia Farrow’s daughter, recently published an account of the sexual abuse she allegedly experienced at the hands of Woody Allen. I have to say “allegedly,” I guess, because that’s what…

Was Danny Brown sexually assaulted on stage?

This story is pretty all around gross. Trigger warning for grossness, k? Because we’ve yet to hear from Danny Brown on the whole incident, aside from his bragging on Twitter, it’s hard…