The ‘most feminist government’ in the history of Spain abandoned women, and Sunday’s election doesn’t look like it will change things.

The ‘most feminist government’ in the history of Spain abandoned women, and Sunday’s election doesn’t look like it will change things.
In this episode, Meghan Murphy speaks with Katy Worley, also known as DJ Lippy, about the argument that feminists must only ally with the left, not the right.
Competitive sport is about competition, and showcasing the best of the best, not creating a space for everyone to feel warm and fuzzy because they are permitted to participate.
I’m a little late, as always. There are a few things I am good at, but time management is not among them. Yesterday was our birthday. I was running around like a…
Feminism has to be non-partisan, because the left has demonstrated for decades they want nothing to do with our fight.
Meghan Murphy interviews lesbian feminist Julia Beck about coming out, fighting sex self-identification, the Equality Act, and working within — and without — the system.
Women warned the media, politicians, activists, and the public about the repercussions of gender identity ideology and legislation, and now that those repercussions are being played out in real time, those warned remain silent.
BC NDP vice president Morgane Oger intends to compile a McCarthyist-style list of political dissidents. Why is the party staying silent?
Meghan Murphy speaks with Kathleen Stock and Natasha Chart about the contentious question of whether feminists should engage with or work with right wing individuals or groups.