What’s Current: Judge in Ghomeshi sexual assault trial refuses to release victim’s bikini photo to media

In the Jian Ghomeshi sexual assault trial, Ghomeshi’s defense presented, as evidence, a picture of the first complainant wearing a bikini, arguing that, in sending the photo to Ghomeshi, she indicated that she “wanted it.” Thankfully, the judge refused to release the bikini photo to the media.

The Ghomeshi trial is fueling debate over the acceptability of the defense’s tactics, specifically a technique known as “whacking,” wherein the defense works to intimidate and wear down the complainant. This often means victim-blaming and extensive, aggressive questioning about irrelevant things such as sexual history, “flirtatious” behaviour, and clothing the victim wore when attacked.

Roosh V “legal rape” advocates cancel meetup plans because they claim not to feel safe at night… This is what’s known as irony.

… But seriously, it gave me the warm fuzzies to see how unwelcoming the public has been to the MRA attempts to host events in our cities.

But, wait! Roosh V’s Saturday misogynist mixers are still on. They’ll just be hosted in hidden locations, wherein men will need to provide a proof of purchase of Roosh V’s rape manual to get into the clubhouse.

At least Cosby isn’t dodging his comeuppance: Philadelphia judge refuses to throw out sex assault case against Bill Cosby. District Attorney Kevin Steele said, “A secret agreement that allows a wealthy defendant to buy his way out of a criminal case isn’t right.”

But where has this asshole gone? Serial rapist cop Daniel Holtzclaw disappears from Prison Database.

This has been your misogynist douche update from What’s Current.

Susan Cox

Susan Cox is a feminist writer and academic living in the United States. She teaches in Philosophy.