What’s Current: Women join male-only swim as part of #ManFriday campaign

  • Two women went for a topless swim at a male-only swimming event as part of #ManFriday, a campaign formed on Mumsnet that encourages women to “self-identify” as men every Friday in protest of proposed changes to the Gender Recognition Act.
  • The Labour Party has delayed its decision on allowing self-identification to determine eligibility for all-women shortlists, after hundreds of women threaten to resign over opening the lists to male applicants.
  • In a new Channel 4 report, Cambridge Analytica executives are on video describing how they traffick Ukrainian women to collect dirt on their clients’ election opponents.
  • In advance of a UK summit on violence against women in politics, a global survey finds that 44 per cent of respondents had faced violence or abuse while pursuing a career in politics.
  • John Bailey, the president of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, is under investigation for allegations of sexual harassment.
Natasha Chart

Natasha Chart is an online organizer and feminist living in the United States. She does not recant her heresy.