What’s Current: Trump incites crowd to mock sexual assault victims at election day rally

  • On midterm election day in the US, President Trump’s final campaign rally speech accused women of manufacturing sexual assault allegations and incited attendees to chant, “Lock her up.”
  • Hannah Gavios, left partially paralyzed after she fell 150 feet from a cliff as she was trying to escape a sex attacker, plans to do the New York City Marathon on crutches.
  • Studies reveal that women are less likely to be given CPR by bystanders, who worry that CPR would be either socially inappropriate or that women are too fragile.
  • An ICE detention facility in Pennsylvania claims that the sexual abuse of a female detainee was not a constitutional violation because the victim consented. Sexual contact between staff and inmates is prohibited by law in all cases because of the inherent power imbalance.
Natasha Chart

Natasha Chart is an online organizer and feminist living in the United States. She does not recant her heresy.