What’s Current: Forty-seven johns arrested by Vancouver Police

  • The Vancouver Police Department announced that 47 johns were arrested in the course of a two-month sting operation targeting men who were attempting to purchase “sexual services” from underaged girls.
  • Nathan Sutherland, a 36-year-old male nurse, has been arrested and charged with sexual assault and vulnerable adult abuse. An incapacitated patient at the care facility where he worked was raped and gave birth last month. Sutherland was arrested after his DNA was found to match the baby’s.
  • The father of a 16-year-old girl who was allegedly raped by her stepfather told his daughter she deserved the attack because she is a lesbian.
  • A woman named Komal Hadala — out of concern for women’s safety — has successfully campaigned to have toilets installed in Nithora, Uttar Pradesh, India. ,
  • A judge has ordered Brayden Bushby to stand trial in Thunder Bay for the murder of Barbara Ketner, an Indigenous woman who died after Bushby threw a trailer hitch at her from a moving vehicle.
Natasha Chart

Natasha Chart is an online organizer and feminist living in the United States. She does not recant her heresy.