What’s Current: Founder of Street Kids International found guilty of child sexual assault in Nepal

  • Peter Dalglish, a lawyer from London, Ontario who spent decades working in international children’s rights and founded Street Kids International has been convicted of child sex trafficking based on abuses against Nepalese street children.
  • Botswana’s high court has overturned a colonial-era law criminalizing homosexuality, a decision human rights observers hope will set a precedent for other African nations with colonial legal frameworks.
  • Moroccan women are speaking out about domestic violence against them, but face challenges due to high evidence requirements and a lack of support from their families.
  • A survey of garment factory workers in Dhaka, Bangladesh, by the charity Action Aid UK, found that 80 per cent of the women experienced sexual harassment or violence in the workplace.
  • Rachel Krys, co-director of the End Violence Against Women Coalition, says that changes to rape prosecution standards by the UK’s Crown Prosecution Service are denying justice to victims. Krys writes in The Guardian:

“We believe the CPS has reverted to permitting the second-guessing of jury prejudices, which is a disaster for justice for a crime that is already a terrible fit in our adversarial system. We believe this change has been made covertly, possibly with a view to performance-managing CPS outcome statistics on rape.”

Natasha Chart

Natasha Chart is an online organizer and feminist living in the United States. She does not recant her heresy.