What’s Current: Germany and New Zealand are building prostitution into urban policy by creating drive-thru brothels

  • Countries such as Germany and New Zealand are including prostitution in their urban policy through building “sexual infrastructure” into their cities in the form of drive-thru brothels. The Guardian reports:

“Located on the edge of town, the result is a kind of sex drive-through. Customers drive down a one-way street, into a roughly two-acre open air-space where sex workers can offer their services.”

  • On Wednesday, thousands joined a rally at Chater Garden in Hong Kong to protest alleged instances of sexual violence perpetrated by police against female protesters. Linda Wong, organizer of the event and spokeswoman for the Women’s Coalition on Equal Opportunities, stated:

“In the name of law enforcement, police are using sexual violence as an instrument of intimidation. The coalition resolutely demands the police force seriously investigate and make accountable acts of sexual violence committed by officers during the anti-extradition bill protests.”

  • Despite the UN banning the practice in 2018, Afghan women are still being imprisoned for failing virginity tests.
  • Dr. Jennifer Gunter, a Canadian gynecologist, says Twitter removed advertisements for a book on gynecology because they used the word “vagina.” Gunter tweeted that her publishers had been blocked from using the word “vagina” in promotional tweets for her new book, The Vagina Bible.
  • Two New York police officers who raped a teenager in their custody will not serve time in prison after a plea deal was struck during an unannounced hearing.
Genevieve Gluck

Genevieve Gluck is a writer and advocate for women's sex-based rights and creator of Women's Voices, an audio library dedicated to bringing awareness to feminist texts and speeches.