What’s Current: Activists declare ‘feminist emergency’ in Spain amid ongoing violence against women

  • Protestors in over 250 towns and cities across Spain declare a “feminist emergency” amid a series of high-profile rape cases and 19 murders in which women were killed by domestic partners.
  • Nine U.S. Democratic presidential candidates will attend “The Power of Pride,” an LGBTQ-focused town hall organized by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation. Candidates will likely address the Equality Act, which equates adds “gender identity” to federal civil rights laws protecting women.
  • A Kingston trans-identified male is acquitted of allegations he sexually abused the teenage daughter of a BDSM sex partner.
  • Speak Up For Women is holding an event in Wellington, New Zealand, on November 13, 2019, featuring Meghan Murphy, Dr. Holly Lawford-Smith, Dr. Melissa Derby, and Ani O’Brien. Feminist 2020 will explore issues like commercial surrogacy, gender identity, and what it means to be a woman going into 2020.
  • In an obituary for Magdalen Berns, Deborah Lavin and Susan Chynoweth write:

“Her tiny stature belied her strength and courage — courage which was often called for in the face of harassment.

She never backed away from speaking her truth and encouraging others to step up and speak up also.”

Meghan McCarty

Meghan McCarty is an undergraduate student and aspiring journalist living in the United States.