What’s Current: Former USC gynecologist George Tyndall pleads not guilty to 6 new sexual assault charges

  • George Tyndall, a former gynecologist with the University of Southern California accused of assaulting 21 patients, has pleaded not guilty to six new charges.
  • Over a third of women working in Wales have reported that their employers made sexist comments or requests towards them during the coronavirus lockdown.
  • The Council of Europe is concerned about Poland’s moves to leave the Istanbul Convention treaty on reducing male violence against women and girls, and women across Turkey are demonstrating against their own government’s plans to leave the treaty.
  • More Kenyan women are dying of pregnancy and birth complications under the nation’s pandemic curfew restrictions.
  • London firms with management staff that were more than a third women had better profit margins than their competitors.
Natasha Chart

Natasha Chart is an online organizer and feminist living in the United States. She does not recant her heresy.