What’s Current: Scotland gender clinic refuses to change protocols in wake of Keira Bell judgement

Keira Bell and Heather Brunskell-Evans (Photo: Belstaffie)
  • The only clinic in Scotland that can prescribe puberty blockers to transgender children will not change its protocols in wake of a landmark High Court judgement that ruled children under 16 cannot consent to undergoing puberty blocking treatments.
  • Female survivors of human trafficking in the UK are being forced to live in “inappropriate and insecure” housing where they risk being re-trafficked and exploited, despite having a legal right to safe accommodations, according to a new report.
  • “The Missing Perspectives of Women in News” report finds the proportion of women journalists in newsrooms across six countries has remained the same since 2000.
  • A Berlin district mayor aims to keep a controversial statue in honour of “comfort women” who were held as sex slaves by Japan’s military during World War II after Japanese officials asked for the statue to be removed
Meghan McCarty

Meghan McCarty is an undergraduate student and aspiring journalist living in the United States.