What’s Current: Chicago Public Schools eliminate single-sex bathrooms

  • Chicago Public Schools now require bathrooms to be gender-neutral, eliminating single-sex washrooms in all city public schools.
  • Women’s campaign group Fair Play for Women is challenging Scotland’s official guidance for the question, “What is your sex?” in the 2022 census. Current guidance allows people to self-identify their sex on Scotland’s census.
  • New data reveals jailed women in the U.K. are five times more likely to have a stillbirth and twice as likely to give birth to premature babies, as concern grows over the safety of women who give birth behind bars.
  • Hundreds of Orthodox Jewish women are photographing themselves doing everyday tasks for the Jewish Life Photo Bank, aiming to end the erasure of women in Orthodox public life.
  • Women in Canada are less optimistic about gender equality in the workplace, a survey of over 1,000 working Canadian women finds. Majority of respondents feel they aren’t offered the same opportunities as men, despite increased public awareness of workplace equality issues.
Meghan McCarty

Meghan McCarty is an undergraduate student and aspiring journalist living in the United States.