What’s Current: Feminist philosopher and WoLF board member deplatformed by Harvard

  • Feminist philosopher Dr. Devin Buckley was scheduled to speak at Harvard University about British Romanticism and philosophy, but last week was informed she had been disinvited. In a letter, it was explained this happened because her “public profile is largely rooted in controversial issues regarding trans identity” and because Buckley is a WoLF board member. In a response letter, she explains:

“…My sense of reality and justice do not align with woke gender doctrine. I find it morally offensive to allow rapists, murderers, and otherwise violent men to declare themselves female and be imprisoned with women.”

  • A doctor who ran an unlicensed online gender identity clinic for children as young as 12 failed to provide adequate clinical care to three patients, a medical tribunal has found.
  • Survey results reveal two thirds of lesbians are hesitant to come out over fears that they will be stereotyped as “anti-trans,” “man-hating,” and “over-sexualized.”
  • Actor Ezra Miller was arrested last Tuesday for an alleged assault at a party in Hawaii. After being asked to leave, he reportedly threw a chair, striking a 26-year-old female on the forehead. News reports have been careful not to identify Miller using male pronouns, referring to him as “they/them” instead.
Meghan McCarty

Meghan McCarty is an undergraduate student and aspiring journalist living in the United States.