What’s Current: UK Prime Minister says no women have a penis

  • UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak says no women have a penis, adding:

“We should always have compassion and understanding and tolerance for those who are thinking about changing their gender. Of course we should.

But when it comes to these issues of protecting women’s rights, women’s spaces, I think the issue of biological sex is fundamentally important when we think about those questions.”

  • A woman in Norway is suing her employer for unfair dismissal over criticisms of gender ideology after the organization’s management received an anonymous email complaint. In February 2002, Rianne Vogels tweeted, “Transition … may lead to sterility, sexual dysfunction, lifelong hormone dependency, + complications.”
  • A 25-year-old woman was sexually assaulted while riding an escalator at the Granville SkyTrain Station on Saturday afternoon. The Vancouver Police found a 26-year-old suspect nearby, and arrested him at the scene.
  • Hundreds of women turn out for Posie Parker’s Let Women Speak event in Belfast on Sunday.
  • A judge in the Netherlands has ruled porn site xHamster must remove all videos for which it has not obtained verifiable permission. The ruling comes after the Netherlands-based Expertise Bureau for Online Child Abuse identified 10 videos where xHamster could not prove consent had been acquired to post. 
Meghan Murphy

Founder & Editor

Meghan Murphy is a freelance writer and journalist from Vancouver, BC. She has been podcasting and writing about feminism since 2010 and has published work in numerous national and international publications, including The Spectator, UnHerd, Quillette, the CBC, New Statesman, Vice, Al Jazeera, The Globe and Mail, and more. Meghan completed a Masters degree in the department of Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies at Simon Fraser University in 2012 and is now exiled in Mexico with her very photogenic dog.