What’s Current: It’s not only Oxfam — men across the charitable sector traffick women and children

  • Julie Bindel explains that it isn’t just Oxfam, the abuse of prostituted women and trafficked children is epidemic among men working in the international charity and rescue sector. Meanwhile, Oxfam is facing new allegations that staff used prostituted women in Chad, and the Haitian government is demanding Oxfam hand over their files on staff who paid for sex.
  • Brendan Cox, former husband of murdered MP Jo Cox, allegedly sexually assaulted a woman in Cambridge, MA, weeks after he resigned from Save The Children amid complaints that he’d sexually harassed female colleagues.
  • The laws in 35 US states allow police to claim that individuals in their custody can “consent” to sex, and potentially avoid misconduct charges for abusing their authority.
  • Phillipine President Rodrigo Duterte has directed soldiers dealing with guerrilla rebels to shoot-to-mutilate when fighting women, saying, “We won’t kill you. We will just shoot your vagina… If there is no vagina, it would be useless.”
  • Members of the famous women-only swimming pond on Hampstead Heath in London met to discuss “perspectives on transgender swimming” after a controversial decision to allow trans-identified men access. Activists from radical feminist group Mayday 4 Women stood outside the meeting urging members to lobby to “keep the Hampstead Heath ladies’ pond a sanctuary for women.”


Natasha Chart

Natasha Chart is an online organizer and feminist living in the United States. She does not recant her heresy.