The woke left don’t believe their own hype, and the sooner you get honest, the sooner you get free.

While everyone deserves love and compassion, women’s empathy towards troubled men happens too often at our expense.
In this episode, Meghan Murphy speaks with Dr Meagan Tyler about the ways sex therapy and sex advice teach women to meet male desire, regardless of the cost.
In this week’s installment of Feminist Theory Fridays, Susan Cox explores compulsory heterosexuality and the lesbian continuum.
We seem to have reached something like the opposite of a critical mass. A critical lack, rather — wherein people are looking around and asking, “What happened to the lesbian?” As we…
New mother? Feeling stressed or challenged due to the fact that you grew then expelled a human being out of your body and now have to take care of it day and…
“Are you going to save my brother?” Early on when I was dating my ex, his brother asked me this question. At the time, I think I probably thought it was sweet.…
After being sexually harassed endlessly for weeks, Mel Watts, who runs the blog, The Modern Mumma, succumbed to her husband’s pressure and engaged in what she calls “a quickie.” That is to…
With Valentine’s Day looming, legions of men are plotting marriage proposals to their girlfriends. But we must stay strong, women, and not be lured in by this “season of romance,” because take…
It has been hard to miss the growing media coverage of the Zika virus. With a possible link between the infection of pregnant women and birth deformities, much of the attention has…
An article in the September issue of Vanity Fair by Nancy Jo Sales painted a rather depressing picture of heterosexual dating in the age of Tinder. These bleak assessments of modern courting…
Progressives around the world celebrated this weekend as Ireland voted 62 per cent in favour of legalizing same-sex marriage. This win is significant and important for a country that only decriminalized homosexuality…
Women. They all just can’t wait for a man to “put a ring on it” and commit to starting a family. But men… Men have such a hard time letting go of…