Belgium’s new labour law allows pimps to file government complaints against prostitutes who turn down clients and sex acts

Belgium’s new labour law allows pimps to file government complaints against prostitutes who turn down clients and sex acts
I don’t advocate against the sex trade because I hate prostitutes, but because I acknowledge the truth about what happens in the industry
The Australian government claims it supports decriminalizing the sex industry in order to remove “stigma” from “sex workers.” In reality, it’s just cheaper.
The stories of those who exited prostitution tend to be wildly different than those still working in the industry and identifying as “sex workers.” And what men tend to believe about those…
An intersectional analysis should reveal the exploitative nature of prostitution and surrogacy, yet intersectional feminists support surrogacy for poor women as a means of earning livelihood and believe criticizing the sex trade is “exclusionary.”
Women’s motivations for paying for sex are notably different than men’s, and demonstrate we are a long way from female sexual liberation.
The porn industry drives prostitution, which means critics of pornography cannot challenge one without challenging the other.
Another research paper promoting the legalization of prostitution as beneficial has been released. Titled, “Associations between sex work laws and sex workers’ health: A systematic review and meta-analysis of quantitative and qualitative…
When feminists are attacked, liberals and the left either support these attacks or remain silent. Indeed, we are treated as though the attacks are all our fault.
The sex trade lobby disrupted a recent conference on sexual exploitation — Caitlin Roper and Sabrinna Valisce recount what happened.