What’s Current: Uk women on universal credit driven to ‘survival sex’

  • MPs say universal credit and “survival sex” are linked, claiming women are being driven to prostitution because their benefits payments did not cover their basic needs.
  • A judge blocks the suspension of a Maine student who was punished for posting notes warning of a “rapist” in her high school.
  • US Rep. Katie Hill threatens to sue the Daily Mail over nude photos she claims the publication posted online. The photos, first published by far right website, RedState, are alleged acts of revenge porn.
  • Child marriage is now illegal in Tanzania after Tanzania’s Supreme Court of Appeal upheld a 2016 ruling that set the minimum marriage age at 18.
  • Fifteen per cent of girls aged 14 to 21 say they have been sexually assaulted by another student, according to a CBC survey.
Meghan McCarty

Meghan McCarty is an undergraduate student and aspiring journalist living in the United States.