A case addressing numerous rapes of a minor by French firefighters may lead, at long last, to age of consent laws implemented in France.

A case addressing numerous rapes of a minor by French firefighters may lead, at long last, to age of consent laws implemented in France.
Cassandra’s curse drove her mad, and women today continue to be subjected to the same torture. Yet we must continue to tell the truth.
Caroline Norma reviews the bestselling “Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982,” a radical gift to #MeToo activists in the West, who are likely unfamiliar with the foundational Korean women’s liberation movement.
It isn’t only straight men who engage in sexual harassment and assault — it’s time for gay men to be accountable as well.
Prominent sociologist and pro-feminist, Michael Kimmel, has been accused of unethical conduct. What should the response of academics and activists who identify as pro-feminist or feminist be?
Women in impoverished countries are exploited by Western men who publicly declare solidarity with women but behave differently in private.
When looking for alternatives to the criminal justice system, we need to be realistic, not idealistic.
Women in the aviation have been subjected to misogyny for decades — what needs to change to ensure more women can enter the industry?
While words like “equality,” “diversity,” “inclusion,” and “intersectionality” might sound nice, they don’t address the root problem of patriarchy and they erase feminism’s real aims. On International Women’s Day, let’s remember what feminism is really about.
We claim to be ready for women’s anger, as a society, but we clearly still expect women to express it in ways we are comfortable with.