On the 80th anniversary of Kristallnacht, we must remember women victims of the Holocaust, and defend the legacies and collective memory of our sisters who came before us.

On the 80th anniversary of Kristallnacht, we must remember women victims of the Holocaust, and defend the legacies and collective memory of our sisters who came before us.
Julie Bindel argues that fear and funding are the two primary reasons LGBT organizations are abandoning lesbians to cater to the demands of trans activists.
Lesbians are being harassed and bullied out of their own spaces and events by trans activists and their allies.
Julie Moss interviews Maria MacLachlan, who was attacked when trying to attend a meeting about proposed changes to the UK’s Gender Recognition Act.
For radical feminists, gender is understood as not merely a subjective internal sense of self; patriarchal gender norms are a product of culture, imposed on people and limiting everyone’s humanity.
The smearing, harassment, no-platforming, and silencing of women who express feminist opinions about gender and prostitution is unacceptable.
Threats of violence against women branded as “TERFs” are increasing — will liberals and progressives speak out before it’s too late?
In Julie Bindel’s new book, “The Pimping of Prostitution: Abolishing the Sex Work Myth,” she explores the connection between the “sex work” lobby and trans rights activism.
“How could she say such a thing?!” Behind every response to Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s recent remarks about transwomen was the message that people were not only outraged with the Nigerian novelist and…
After BBC presenter Jenni Murray published a piece in the Sunday Times questioning whether a man could “become a woman” by taking hormones and perhaps getting surgery, not only was a petition…